Friday, December 22, 2006

Day 6: I saw a mermaid!

Shark island, not Snake Island as I called it yesterday, was pretty much a bunch of big rocks sticking out of the ocean. Diving today, I came into contact with my first real danger. It was some sort of big fish thing, that my instructor pointed out as we were floating along. I didn't get a good look, but I remember it being big. All I know is that I haven't been eaten alive.
We also dived at a site called Rocky Point. It was by far my favorite dive since I've been here. We actually ran into some wreckage on the bottom of the ocean, and there was a mermaid statue. The water was so much better than it was yesterday. Much more clear, and at least the sun was out.
Okay, well now I'm off to meet with some of the instructors for a BBQ on Sairee Beach that they invited me to. Tomorrow is my last day on this island. Although, there could be the chance that I am stuck here for a few days because all boats have been grounded. There is a hurricane off the coast of China that has caused some big waves.