Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day 5: s c u b a

Yep. Still here. Ko Tao. The weather was shitty today. Nevertheless, we went out on the boat. Again, I practiced more scuba skills, and saw some fish. I actually have a tan line from my wet suit. How funny that looks.
Tonight, I walked along the beach and found a nice resturant to eat at. I choose one in which you eat on the floor. Its oh so relaxing. You take your shoes off, and lounge on a comfy pillow while listening to the sound of the waves and reggae music from a bar near by. It really can't get any better. But then it did. I went for a Thai massage after dinner. The massage hut was open-aired right on the beach.
Okay, well it's off it bed for me. I have to get up early tomorrow because we are going to dive at Snake Island tomorrow, and we are leaving at 7:30am. Finally, I take my final exam tomorrow, and graduate!