Thursday, December 28, 2006

Day 11 & 12: Spa, Seafood, and Sunburn

That pretty much sums up the last two days. Yesterday, I spent out in the sun for the first part of the day, then went to Eranda Herbal Spa. I can honestly say that it was the best spa that I have ever been to and yes, I have been to my fair share of luxury spas in Vegas. I spent about 4 hours there getting a massage, body scrub, steam bath, jacuzzi, and facial all in a private little hut surrounded by lush floral on a hillside that looks above the sea. The price of all this was so low, I had to look twice at the bill. Then I went to eat some seafood, lobster. Yum.

As for the sunburn part, that is due to the fact that I have been on a boat for the last 3 hours outside on deck which was much sunnier than expected. I neglected the sunscreen because for one, I never burn, and two because it was in my backpack which was amist all the luggage of all the other passengers. I now sit at a little internet cafe in Surat Thani on the mainland where I await to board a train to Bangkok.

Sigh, yep, trip is almost over.