Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day 10: Stomping Grounds

It may seem so cruel for the Thai's to keep these elephants around for the purpose of elephant treking, but in actuality, they were originally trained as working elephants. When the king outlawed using elephants for working, such as hauling and lifting, the trainers did not know how to afford their up keep. Hence, the last of the Thai working elephants earn their own upkeep by hauling tourists through the thick mighty jungles.

Monkey's are used all over Thailand as a way to harvest coconuts. Ko Samui has 5 million coconut trees, which is how many of these islanders earn their living. Although it seems cruel to keep a monkey for picking coconuts, the farmers consider him to be a member of the family, dutifully treating the monkey with respect.

Here, I went for a refreshing swin at Namoug Waterfall.

Here is Kai, he is an artist (painter) that works across the street from my bungalow. We went out for drinks at the Reggae Pub last night.