Monday, March 29, 2010

Back to my Roots!

It is Tuesday morning, and it is my first day in Tokyo.  I arrived yesterday somewhat disorientated since I was up for almost 2 days straight.  I failed to sleep much on the place due to the fact that the cabin temperature was an exhausting 80 degrees.  I was looking around to see if any of the other passengers seemed to notice the heat, but the ladies and gentlemen were wearing long sleeved shirts and looked perfectly comfortable.  This would never fly in America.

I am staying at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel.  Nice cozy room.  I have to laugh when I get a toilet that has a heated seat and more features on it than any appliance in my home.  When you sit down, the seat is always heated and it makes electronic sounds of water running.  I guess I will save people from knowing when I take a poo.

Well I'm off for my first exciting day.... I'll post tonight some pictures....